Privacy Policy - Masonic Homes Kentucky

Privacy Notice

Welcome. This Policy has been created in order to demonstrate and inform you of our firm
commitment to privacy.

Masonic Homes Kentucky (“Masonic”) is the owner of this web site (the
“Site”). Masonic can be contacted by mail at 330 Masonic Home Drive, Masonic Home,
Kentucky 40041, by E-mail at or by phone at 502.259.9627. Any
reference to “we”, “us”, or “our” in this Policy shall refer to Masonic. The following Policy
describes how we collect, protect, and use information we receive from visitors to the Site.
This Policy applies to information collected through this Site as well as information
collected through any related services, marketing, sales, or events.

1. Information We May Collect. There are two kinds of information that may be collected
about you: (a) Anonymous Information that is automatically collected; and (b) Personally
Identifiable Information that you may provide to us.
(a) Anonymous Information. Anonymous Information is aggregate data that is
automatically collected when you visit, use, and navigate a site. This automatically
collected information, which does not reveal your specific identity, is collected and
used to administer the Site. It may include such information as your browser type or
your Internet Protocol (IP) address. An IP address is a unique string of numbers
that is assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider. Web servers
automatically identify your computer by its IP address. We use your IP address to
help diagnose problems with our server, to administer the Site, avoid hacking
attacks on the Site’s servers, and may use it to gather broad demographic
information. We may from time to time retain third parties to help us collect and
aggregate such Site visitor information.
(b) Cookie Information. As is the case with many web sites, our Site uses a technology
called “cookies”, which are small data files that are downloaded onto your computer.
The use of cookies is standard on the Internet, and allows us to tailor your visits to our
Site to your individual preferences. We may also contract with third party service
providers who assign cookies to conduct site tracking for us. These companies use
cookies solely to provide us with data about site traffic. Although most web browsers
automatically accept cookies, you can change your browser to prevent cookies or to
notify you whenever you are sent a cookie. Even without accepting a cookie, you can
still access most of the features on the Site.

2. Personally Identifiable Information We May Collect.
(a) Personally Identifiable Information. Personally Identifiable Information is any
information that personally identifies you, such as your name, address, email
address or your telephone number. Sometimes this personal information is
needed when you contact us. We may ask you to provide us with personal
information on a voluntary basis in certain areas of our Site. In particular, you may
be asked to provide the following information: Name, Postal Address, E-mail
Address, Telephone Numbers – landline and/or cellular telephone when you
request information about our Communities or ask a question.
(b) Email Correspondence. Scattered throughout our Site are links or forms that can be
used to contact us so you can comment, make a request, or ask questions. Your email
address is necessary on this form so we can answer your questions, and we want
your name, also, so we can address our answer to your request in a mannerly way.
(c) Links to Other Web Sites. Our Web site may provide links to certain web sites for
your convenience. When you click on one of these links, you will be transferred
out of our Web site and connected to the Web site of the organization or company
that you selected. We are not responsible for the nature, quality or accuracy of the
content or opinions expressed in such web sites. Inclusion of any linked web site
on the Site does not imply or express an approval or endorsement of the linked
web site by us, or of any of the content, opinions, products or services provided
on these web sites. Even if an affiliation exists between the Site and a third-party
web site, we exercise no control over a linked Site. Each of these linked web sites
maintains its own independent privacy and data collection policies and
procedures. While we expect our partners, advertisers, and affiliates to respect
the privacy of our users, we cannot be, nor are we, responsible for the actions of
third parties. If you visit a web site that is linked to our Site, we encourage you to
consult that web site’s privacy policy before providing any personal information
and whenever interacting with any web site, as Masonic is not responsible for the
privacy practices or the content of those other Web sites.

3. How We Use the Information We Gather.
(a) Limited Uses Identified. Without a visitor’s prior consent, Masonic will not use your
Personally Identifiable Information for any purpose other than that for which it is
submitted, or only in deidentified form for reporting (Example: Lodge Affiliation).
Masonic does; however, use Personally Identifiable Information to reply to inquiries,
handle requests, provide operational notices, promotional and other marketing
materials, and to circulate e-newsletters.
(b) Anonymous Information Uses. “Anonymous Information” is used internally for
Site administration, troubleshooting and to help improve the quality of the web
pages. We may share such aggregated, non-personally identifiable information,
such as demographics, with existing and prospective business partners and
(c) Personally Identifiable Information Uses: “Personally Identifiable Information”
collected by us may be used for purposes including administration of the Site and
communications with you. We also may disclose Personally Identifiable Information if
we are required to do so by law or we in good faith believe that such action is
necessary to (a) comply with the law or with legal process; (b) protect and defend our
rights and property; (c) protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the Site; or (d)
protect the personal safety or property of our users or the public.
(d) Marketing Uses. We may use the information collected to notify you of changes
made to our Site, to send you promotional materials, and to determine what
information and services visitors and users want the most. If you contact us for
assistance or support, we may use your information to provide information,
requested services, or support to you. We may also provide the information to
third parties who assist us in contacting visitors with information about Masonic’s
Web site, Communities, services, and related information in which a visitor has
indicated an interest.
(e) [Online Advertising. Some companies that help Masonic deliver interactive on-line
advertising, may collect and use information about Masonic’s visitors to help Masonic
better understand the types of advertising or promotions that are most appealing to
Masonic’s visitors. After such information is collected, the information is aggregated so
it is not identifiable to a specific individual. If, however, any visitor or user would prefer
that these companies not collect such information, they may follow the Opt-Out
procedures provided in Section 7, below.]

4. Disclosure of the Information.
(a) Within Corporate Organization. Masonic is a multi-entity organization, with legal
entities, business processes, management structures, and technical systems
throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Masonic may share your personal
information within the Masonic corporate organization.
(b) Agents. Masonic employs or engages other companies and individuals to perform
business functions on behalf of Masonic. These persons are provided with personal
identifying information required to perform their functions, but are prohibited by
contract from using the information for other purposes. These persons engage in a
variety of functions which include, but are not limited to, recruiting, analyzing data,
providing marketing assistance, fundraising, and providing visitor services.
(c) Marketing Analysis by Third Parties. Masonic reserves the right to disclose to third
parties personal information about visitors for marketing analysis; however, any
information disclosed will be non-personally identifiable in the form of aggregate data
that does not describe or identify any individual user or visitor.
(d) Disclosure to Governmental Authorities. Under certain circumstances, personal
information collected through the website may be subject to disclosure when required
by law (for example, pursuant to a judicial or other government subpoena, warrant, or
order), or by a regulation, or as requested by a government agency conducting
investigations or proceedings.

5. Use of Computer Tracking Technologies.
(a) No Tracking of Personal Information. Masonic’s Web Site(s) are not set up to track,
collect or distribute personal information not entered by visitors. Through web site
access logs Masonic does collect clickstream data and HTTP protocol elements,
which generate certain kinds of non-identifying site usage data, such as the number of
hits and visits to our sites. This information is used for internal purposes by technical
support staff for internal reporting, user analysis, and business decision making, all of
which provides better services to the public. The statistics generated, which contain no
personal information and cannot be used to gather such information, may also be
provided to third parties.
(b) Use of Cookies. Masonic, or its third-party vendors, collects non-identifiable and
personal information through the use of various technologies, including “cookies”. A
cookie is an alphanumeric identifier that a Web site can transfer to visitor’s hard drive
through the visitor’s browser. The cookie is then stored on visitor’s computer as an
anonymous tag that identifies the visitor’s computer, but not the visitor. Cookies may
be sent by Masonic or its third party vendors. Visitor can set its browser to notify visitor
before a cookie is received, giving an opportunity to decide whether to accept the
cookie. Visitor may also set its browser to turn off cookies; however, some Web sites
may not then work properly.
(c) Use of Web Beacon Technologies. Masonic may also use Web beacon or other
technologies to better tailor its Web site(s) to provide better visitor and user service,
and to send to our marketing automation and email marketing service. If these
technologies are in use, when a visitor accesses these pages of the Web site,
a nonidentifiable notice of that visit is generated which may be processed by Masonic.
Web beacons usually work in conjunction with cookies. If a visitor does not want cookie
information to be associated with visitor’s visits to these pages, the visitor can set its
browser to turn off cookies; however, Web beacon and other technologies will still
detect visits to these pages, but the notices they generate cannot be associated with
other non-identifiable cookie information and are disregarded.
(d) Collection of Non-Identifiable Information. Masonic may collect non-identifiable
information from user visits to the Masonic Web site in order to provide better visitor
service. Examples of such collecting include: traffic analysis, or tracking numbers of
visitors, measuring visitor activity on our site, Web site and system administration,
user analysis, internal reporting, and business decision making. Such information is
sometimes known as “clickstream data.” Masonic or its contractors may use this data
to analyze trends and statistics.
(e) Collection of Personal Information. Masonic collects personal identifying
information from visitors during a transaction. Masonic may extract some personally
identifying information about that transaction in a non-identifiable format and combine
it with other non-identifiable information, such as clickstream data. This information is
used for internal reporting and business decision making, and is analyzed only at an
aggregate level (not at an individual level) to help Masonic understand trends and
patterns. This information is not reviewed at an individual level.

6. Information Security.
(a) Commitment to Online Security. Masonic incorporates appropriate safeguards to
protect the security, integrity, completeness, accuracy, and privacy of the personal
information we have collected. We have put in place reasonable precautions to
protect information from loss, misuse, and alteration. While on a secure page, the
lock icon on the bottom of Web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
and Microsoft Internet Explorer becomes locked, as opposed to unlocked, or
open, when you are just “surfing”. Security of information communicated by or to
us over the Internet is of utmost concern to us; unfortunately, no data
transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Please note
that your email or other electronic correspondence with us through the Site, like
most, if not all, non-encrypted Internet communications, may be accessed and
viewed by other Internet users, without your knowledge and permission, while in
transit to us. For that reason, to protect your privacy, please do not use email or
the contact forms provided through the Site to communicate any information to us
that you consider confidential.
(b) No Liability for Acts of Third Parties. Masonic will exercise all reasonable efforts to
safeguard the confidentiality of visitor personal information. While we strive to protect
your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any
information you transmit to us or through the Site, and you do so at your own risk.
Once we receive your transmission, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure its
security on our internal systems. Depending on the nature of the inquiry, your
communication may be discarded or archived. If you wish, you may contact us
instead via telephone at the numbers provided throughout the Site.
(c) Links to Other Web Sites. Our Web site may provide links to certain web sites for
your convenience. When you click on one of these links, you will be transferred
out of our Web site and connected to the Web site of the organization or company
that you selected. We are not responsible for the nature, quality or accuracy of the
content or opinions expressed in such web sites. Inclusion of any linked web site
on the Site does not imply or express an approval or endorsement of the linked
web site by us, or of any of the content, opinions, products or services provided
on these web sites. Even if an affiliation exists between the Site and a third-party
web site, we exercise no control over linked Site. Each of these linked web sites
maintains its own independent privacy and data collection policies and
procedures. While we expect our partners, advertisers, and affiliates to respect
the privacy of our users, we cannot be, nor are we, responsible for the actions of
third parties. If you visit a web site that is linked to our Site, we encourage you to
consult that web site’s privacy policy before providing any personal information
and whenever interacting with any web site, as Masonic is not responsible for the
privacy practices or the content of those other Web sites.

7. Privacy Policy Changes and Opt-Out Rights.
(a) Changes to Our Privacy Policy. Masonic reserves the right to change, modify, add
and/or delete all or portions of this Policy at any time, at our discretion, and
modifications are effective when posted on the Site. If we decide to change this
Policy, we will post those changes on the home page of the Site and any other
places on our Site we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information
we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.
You are responsible for reviewing this Policy periodically to ensure that you are
aware of any changes to it. If we make material changes to this Policy, we will
notify you by means of a notice on the Site’s home page.
(b) Opt-Out Right. If you do not wish to have your contact information used by Masonic
for marketing or fundraising purposes, you may: follow the link to unsubscribe from
our mailing lists at the bottom of our email communications, or send an email to us at stating your request to be removed from our marketing or
fundraising lists. Please note that this Opt-Out does not apply to information provided
to the Masonic, or to a Masonic Community, by reason of having entered into a
Residence Agreement, requesting or providing health records, or a similar transaction.

8. Access Rights to and Correction of Personal Information Data.
(a) Information Maintained by Masonic. You have a right to know about the personal
information that we hold about you, including the right to correct, amend, or delete
the information that we have on file if it is incorrect. If you wish to exercise these
rights please contact us by email or postal mail at the address below.
(b) Corrections and Changes to Personal Information. At any time, you may revoke
your consent, cease further use of your email address for Masonic to send you
updates, and direct us to delete the information you have supplied. Although it is
not always possible to remove or modify such information, we will make
reasonable efforts to do so.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.If you have given us information for one of the third parties we mentioned above, and we have already passed it on, we cannot delete or change the information. In the event that you have given us Personally Identifiable Information in the past and then have second thoughts or want to update it, you may send an email to us at or contact us by regular mail addressed to:
Masonic Homes Kentucky
330 Masonic Home Drive
Masonic Home, Kentucky 40041